Kubo-san wa Mob wo Yurusanai: r/anime Awards 2023 Thoughts
This is part of a series of posts, reworking my casual writing from the r/anime Awards about the various shortlists and nominees. I do a lot of writing for the awards which never gets released outside of awards, so I figured I’d try bringing some of it out and putting it here. They’re not meant to be anything too serious or in-depth, just reworking my thoughts as I posted them in the awards server to here. This isn’t representative of the awards themselves or anyone other than myself involved in the awards. I’ll make a larger post with all the shortlisted shows from each category in the Write-Up Collections tab after I’ve posted all of the individual write-ups for that category here.
Of the categories I was juror for in the 2023 r/anime Awards, Kubo-san wa Mob wo Yurusanai was shortlisted in just Anime of the Year, and so that was the category where I discussed it.
Watch Links: HiDive
Score: 6.0/10
The brand of humor with this type of show is super light, less meant to get a big laugh and be memorable and more meant to bring a smile and keep things fun. That said, the running gags in this show are pretty consistently funny, and varied enough that I was entertained consistently throughout the show. Shiraishi's invisibility being played straight was seldom not funny, nor did they use it so much that it felt like it got old. They were creative with it, and also the exceptions to the rules the universe set in place. The teasing is sort of the other running gag, and I really liked that it wasn't completely one-sided. In the time we spend with Kubo separate from Shiraishi, Kubo's sister and friends get a few good moments in where they play on Kubo's vulnerabilities and that made for some very cute and funny moments. The teasing of Shiraishi wasn't as fun, there were a few moments where it led me to be frustrated, but it was fine throughout.
I like the main duo as a couple. I don't really get why Kubo falls for Shiraishi specifically, but their interactions are cute, and I guess I can kinda see why someone would be endeared by the goofy but heartfelt way Shiraishi goes about things. I like watching the main duo do stuff together.
As for side characters, they're fun enough. Kubo's sister is the clear standout. I like her teasing the main duo. Kubo's cousin is fine, she's kinda fun in how she idolizes Kubo. Although if they are setting her up with Shiraishi's brother I'm raising the red flag. Shiraishi's brother exists and is cute sometimes, but at the end of the day he's an annoying kid. He’s not utilized in any way I found special, maybe a couple decent jokes. Kubo's friends have a few solid moments but don't do a ton. It's mostly about the main duo. The side cast is fine but nothing super special.